Filtering by: “competition team”
Competition Team Practice

Competition Team Practice

Breathing is the first thing you did coming into this world and the hardest climbing fundamental to train. All sports require conscious breathing and all athletes must learn to breathe to maximize performance. Climbing breath has as sound, a look, and a feel. We will return to How to Train Climbing Breath today, learning to sightread, cadence and movement. Note: Music students-please bring instruments to practice today.  Have a short piece of anything prepare and be prepared to respond to sightreading cues.

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Competition Team Practice @Bridges

Competition Team Practice @Bridges

All about volume today!  Set a number goal between 5-10 problems to attempt. No more that 3 attempts p/problem before relinquishing the problem.  At the end of the night, journal 4 problems you want to complete Thursday. Save enough time to draw the problems in your journal and mark the challenges along the drawing.  Bring shoes, chalk bag.  Arrive on time and warm up to max before climbing!

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